Hi there!

Nice to meet you, I'm Lisa


I am currently studying Computer Science at the University of Toronto.

I enjoy web and mobile development and try to create side projects during my spare time. Machine learning and A.I. also interest me and is something I would look into from time to time. Aside from my interest in learning more tech, I believe that tech is an amazing platform where I can leverage it in making a difference in the world.

Other interests of mine include: UX/UI design, reading (currently reading Homodeus), hiking, and watching mysteries and thrillers.

Feel free to email me at ding.lisa@hotmail.com if you have any questions, inqueries, or want to chat! 🙂


Coronavirus app

Coronavirus app that returns confirmed, death, and recovered cases for given country or province by utilizing coronavirus APIs. The data will also be shown in pie chart and bar graph. There is also the functionality of setting notifications to receive coronavirus results for a given country or province everyday at a given set time.

CSCB20 website
Demo (static)

Designed and developed a website for the CSCB20 course using HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python(Flask), SQL while applying my knowledge in user experience and user interface to ensure its responsiveness and user-appeal.

Gyul Hap Game

This is an Android puzzle game based off the game played in the show, The Genius. More information regarding the rules to the game can be found in the Github link to the project.



In my past internships, I had the chance to work with SQL, VBA scripting, android, iOS, and web development. I also have experience with pair programming, test-driven development, and agile methodologies.

Click on the button below to download a pdf of my resume:

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